St. Columba Students are CLEAR about being:
C – faith filled Catholics who:
- Develop a personal, communal and liturgical prayer life
- Reflect on and apply the teachings of scripture and the Catholic Church
- Understand and apply Catholic morality in decision making
- Actively work to promote peace and justice through service to the community
L – a Lifelong Learners who:
- Demonstrate curiosity and enthusiasm for learning
- Possess a solid foundation in skills to be able to think critically,
- share knowledge and solve problems
- Explore and embrace cultural diversity
- Appreciate the fine arts
E – an Effective communicators who:
- Work collaboratively, respecting the opinions, ideas and suggestions of others
- Speak and write clearly and effectively
- Actively listen, practice good manners, and recognize nonverbal communication and social cues
- Use technology appropriately
A – a self-Aware individuals who:
- Have positive self-images as a children of God and reflect on their personal growth
- Understand and appreciate the gifts of others
- Set and accomplish goals
- Recognize and value the need for good physical, spiritual and mental health
R – a Responsible citizens who:
- Accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions
- Seek knowledge of current events and understands their global implication
- Model self-discipline within the community
- Dedicate themselves to the Gospel mission through service to others